Pages 8-11
To be honest, this was the hardest part of the reading for me to understand. I had to re-read it many times before I could come up with an idea of where the author was going.
It's interesting to learn how society is able to easily adapt to changes. I'm sure we all know this but we don't really think about how quickly we abandon something just to have the new item being put out on the market. Or, it doesn't have to be a new item. It could just be a new idea that everyone just follows through with.
However I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to move on to new attempts, I was just commenting on how fast we quickly forget where it all began sometimes.
Pages 16-17
I like how it talks about audiences reactions and the importance of how it is for an artist to grab one's attention. I can understand how hard that is because even though you try to grab their attention, you don't want to do it out of your style to where it doesn't represent you. So finding that balance between your style and society's can be pretty challenging. Especially when going up against hundreds of other pieces from around the world.
Pages 112-124
Reading these pages made me think about the things that inspire me to draw, write, or do whatever comes to mind. Being an artist I do draw, but whenever an emotion comes i mostly write it out. My main inspiration to draw is when I see the works of many others and how they first started out. It makes me remember that they had to begin as well and that I can make it just like they can. My goal is to make my art appear in the Rowe Arts Gallery by the end of the semester. ^_^
Pages 194-195
People in fact do try to make an "image" of themselves. With the technology we have, we can do almost anything we desire to our bodies so that we can fix it to "perfection" as some say.
I'm sure everyone has at least one thing they wish to change or don't like on themselves, no matter how confident. It doesn't have to necesarilly be physical, some wish they could change their personality, others wish to be in a different culture.
Reguardless of whichever, we can do some "editing" but a person should never completely remove who they are. At least preserve a piece so that others can still see the original you inside all that change.
Pages 282-283
When being asked what i wanted to be back in middle and high school i kept saying "an artist". Never did I realise how difficult my answer was. So many opportunities, directions, jobs, professions, I was completely lost. Perhaps I wasn't ment to be an artist. Or so I thought.
As time progressed I noticed how I loved to do all things in art. From singing and dancing, to drawing and painting. Even if its arts and crafts I'd do it. However, I loved computers and was good with them. So, why not combine them?
My decision was made when i found out about the field of Graphic Design. And so my path was set. Sure we all get a little lost along the way, but as long as you're willing, anyone can figure out their "mission" as an artist.
Page 354
Graphic Design has branches too of where to go. Whether it's web pages, animation, photo editing, my main concern is to learn them all and become better so that I may reach my goal: to be a graphic designer in a famous industry. I want to be sucessful in everything I do.