Why is there a safe falling?
- reminds me of the safe from Titanic
+ muddy, old looking rusted
Why does the safe have wheels?
- easy to move around? too heavy?
Just how many lights did the artist use for his piece?
- how much power was that? (watts)
- was it time consuming?
- hard to set up?
Artist sees the Legend of Faust as an inspiration
- infuses his art with the power to inspire original achievements in others
Imagination, motivation, and curiosity are his main concerns
- it's what shapes his art
+ not events from his past
Enjoys finding people in history who have not been honored/ celebrated
- Does he see them as hidden heroes or something?
Julian feels that people take pleasures/ get caught up in change
- that they don't try to remember the past
+ of which is the starting place of how we came to be in today's time
Artist is inspired by missing chapters in history
- loves the gaps, unofficial documents, forgotten/ rejected information
Why does he love this so much? Why forgotten history?
- loves the mystery behind it?
He feels things seem to be incomplete because of our time being accelerated
* We don't take the time to just calm down and look at how far we come or appreciate what we have. As soon as they come out with the next thing, we abandon the "old" object as we call it and toss it away like a broken mass. Especially when the media gets involved and displays it in a way where you HAVE to have it.
His challenge is to distract us from the perpetual renewal of available and glittering enticements
- so we can develop our own creative potential
He addresses the truths ignored in our official versions of history
- yet, his main concerns exceed sitting the historic records straight
"I see corruption and unhappiness, but today is better than yesterday. Tomorrow will be better than today."
*i love that quote because it speaks on a positive note. Even though the world as we know it is full of chaos, hatred, and torment, it's still good to be alive today than it was yesterday. We still have the power to change the world today so that we can have a better tomorrow. We should also thank the fact that we are still here and able to accomplish our dreams when someone didn't get to have that chance...