Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Class: Material Invention Experiment 1/28/08

Today was fun to see all the very different ideas we had when we showed each other how we did our material project. I like how we all had different ways of putting it together. Some had it structured, others loosely set things in place based off of instinct, and some just had no idea why they did it. LOL
I'm just glad that it wasn't as bad as we thought it was to be. ^_^

Perhaps next time i can do what it takes to make a good project. I just hope that the next projects won't be more than I can handle. Of course i learned that one shouldn't wait 'till the last minute for things. But I've come to know that some of my best progresses are at the last minute or the day before it seems. I'ts as if all my ideas come together in one harmony...ish.

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