Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Unofficial Manifesto
My two favorites are number 11 and 14.
No. 11 speaks that art isn't something you'll see and then shouldn't be concerned about due to the fact that it won't be there again. "Art is always worth worrying about." I believe that quote is true because it takes a lot of work and thought behind one's piece to display the message they are trying to get out into the audience. If the viewer sees your piece as nothing but an everyday thing, then it's like no one cares for what you put your heart and soul into. No one really gives a damn about what it is you are putting out there for them to see.
No. 14 is speaking of the quality of one's public art.
"Quality may mean many things in many different contexts, but it certainly means something in the end: you should be willing to fight for it."
I love that quote to the max because it's simply saying that regardless of what it is, if it means something to you then you should do what you can to stand up and fight for it; whether it's an item, a piece of land, a belief, a thought, anything. People may not see the value or quality of it but it doesn't matter on their part. The important thing is how much it matters to you. So regardless of what others will think, still fight for what it is you are after and succeed no matter what.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Keep Me in Your Memories...
so fragile to the point where they can make you or break you. I’ve heard many things come from different people. A lot of them were happy or random, very few were sad and/or tragic. Perhaps people never wish to discuss such painful thoughts of the past. Then again, who would?
At the very first thought of me collecting memories I was happy to no ends. For one, I had finally found something to collect. Two, this was something I would enjoy collecting. Anyway, the memories were collected from people online, as well as people around me. I had wanted to have most the work hand-written to make it more realistic as I post them on the bulletin board but typed was fine as well. The board itself was 24” X 36” and would have been presented on a wall in a gallery at eye level for the viewer to be able to walk up to it and read all the memories displayed. I would also have a small table with a stack of paper, note cards, or sticky notes where they can also write something they remember and add to the collection. This would be an experience the viewer would have as being apart of an art piece for at least one moment in time. Also, if they did not wish to write something, I would have an old-fashion Polaroid camera that they can take a picture of themselves and post the picture onto the board. Why not a digital camera? To make it more like an old photo album you would find in the back of a closet as you are cleaning it out one day.
I had it where the ones that weren’t handwritten by the person themselves, I had typed up and posted it onto the board. The names at the end of each one were real or made up by how I know the person. Each index card was 3” x 5”. Each colorful post-it sticky was 3 7/8” x 5 7/8”. And the typed paper varied in sized depending on the length of the memory. They were posted on there by push pins and perhaps taped to make it just a bit messy in a sense. I want this to appear like an office board where everyone has posted work wherever there was a space possible. This reminds me of the boards I’ve seen around campus with different advertising on them in different angles, directions, and even stacked one over the other.
Why Assigned this Project
To me this final project is a way to see how far we've come as artists and how much we will put more thought into how we wish for things to be done the next time we work on something. It's like putting your skills to the test in a sense. Then again, it may not be Ms. Malena's intentions at all.
She may just wish to see what ideas we can come up with in the end of the semester after so many others have been done.
Either way i see a benefit to this piece for it's as if we are collecting something that matters to us the most. And/or something that could have a symbolic meaning in our lives.
5/2/08 Collecting
I decided to do it as a bulletin board posting. I was going to do a video but why do that and make it technical? I want this to be somewhat old-fashion in a sense and make it more of the past instead of present. ^_^
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Garden of Stones
I like to let the mind wonder. It gives people a chance to come up with ideas of how the art piece is trying to give out the message. And after they see that it's giving a message, they can try to figure out what it is exactly the message is trying to say from the artist.
How Creativity is Killing the Culture
Well, i suppose i get his point in reasons why he feels the way he does. He mostly looks at facts, and logic. I think that instead of looking at things in different perspectives, he looks at something and sees it for what it is. No extra fancy words, just plain and straight to the point. Then again i could be wrong all together.
But what i do know is that I don't think that creative people should be stopped at all. I mean if it wasn't for creativity, the world would suck ass. Do you understand just how plain and boring life would be? Shit, i'd probably would snap if I hadn't found my creative side in things i love to do the most. "Creative people"...what are they exactly? People who do things that are "odd"? "wierd"? or people that look at things in different perspectives? What about those who do in fact try out for American Idol or the other shows he mentioned in the text? Singers, dancers, performers in general, poets, people with dreams.
Dreams...that's where it all begins. Once you have a dream or set goal you should do what it takes to strive for it. I think that's where all the creativity takes place. You work hard and put yourself out there for the world to see and hear about. Yes you will be judged but you keep going no matter what the costs. That's where the creativity lies in my opinion.
He should realize that even he dreams sometimes and if so, does he not try to do what he can to reach his goals? Then again, some people don't try due to certain situations. Or they see that if they can't accomplish their dream, then they just toss away all emotions towards it and look at the facts in life. I hate it when this happens because they give up too easily. Yes it may take time or yes you are unable to reach that goal at the moment but it doesn't hurt to have hope does it?
I've come to realize the good and bad sides of having hope. The good thing is that it keeps you going even when all around u is falling apart. The only bad thing is when your hope shatters due to something someone said, or something that's been done, etc. Either way, still keep going and dreaming for one day as they all say, all of your dreams will come true. You just can't see it at the moment because something is blocking your path.
To make all of this come together and to have a random quote, if a friend of mine read this, she would say "he's upset at the world because he has no sex life".
Nan Goldin
I've come to realize that many people cope with death differently. Some it takes a few days, others it can stay with them the rest of their lives. Sure they will try to get past it, but sometimes they don't want to get past it. They rather live or stay in the past rather than move on. For if they do move on, i suppose to them it's like erasing something dear to them when really they are just moving on to enjoy the days that remain for them on this earth. That's why i try to get people to realize that they can't stay in the past for too long. Sure it's going to hurt for a while, and that's understandable, but over time it's best to move on or else your past will become your present and future if you're not careful.
I like how she does her work. She takes shots of events as they are happening. She isn't trying to focus on the past, or what's in store for the future. It's all about here and now. For we are to live the moment and think nothing of tomorrow. That's something i tend to do at times. Instead of worrying about what's ahead of us, enjoy what you have now for it may not be there tomorrow.
I think I understand now as to why her sister's death sticks out the most. They were extremely close and all of a sudden, her sister is gone. Dead. No longer apart of her life. Something like her sister committing suicide didn't even cross her mind and when it happened...she had no chance to see her sister ever again. So now she does what she can to capture every moment of life on camera as it happens. So that once the people around her are gone, she can look back and see how she was able to at least have a moment in time with them through the photos.
A quote that the artist said which stood out to me in the text. "Memory allows the endless flow of connections."
Will Schade
This text was one that i couldn't really get into for some reason. It could be that I just don't have much interest in it. Not trying to say that he isn't an interesting artist, but it could be how the text talks about him. It's not holding out some certain hook that i can grasp and hold onto in order to get full understanding of his work.
Then again, it could be how I'm feeling at the moment which isn't very good.
I do know that i like his route of putting childlike qualities into adult-like work. For example he could have a complex drawing, but a child's handwriting talking about something simple. Or he could have a child-like drawing, but text that speaks through the mind of a 30 yr old.
I like the contrast that tends to have an affect of how you see people. When you think you have your view of them, something else completely throws you off of what you thought of them in the first place.
Presenting Projects 3/28/08
But it's all good. I didn't get to see his piece from the beginning but i did like how he build a fort in the woods using sticks and earthly elements around the area. To be honest the picture with him face down in the dirt is the strongest one in my opinion. If he had to choose out of all of them, i think that one picture is all that he needs.
As for my happiness, i was able to present my piece well today! yay! Finally some accomplishment! lol. It's good for me to see that people were able to talk about it and ask a few questions. I was glad that i had a specific view of how i wanted it presented and that i was able to relate it to the few sources i had so that they can understand where i got the idea from.
It seems Ms. Malena really liked it. Especially when we talked after class I was surprised to find that she was doing something so similar. Sugoi! ^o^
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thomas Kinkade
He is known as the "Painter of Light" yet can be called the Sun King of Art since people are captivated by his pieces of cozy Cottages, blossoming gardens, picturesque waterfalls, and many more that seems to have the theme with nature.
Personally i think my mother would love his pieces. They have a way of making you want to escape reality for a bit and enter that little dreamworld of his inside the panel. Would i love to sit by the lake on a sunny evening outside of a warm cottage waiting for me to enter.
His paintings are like a stress reliever for all to just be able to take time from our busy schedule to sit back and daydream as long as we please. I know i already do. Lol XD
Mathew Ritchie
His art is mainly material for you to learn and take into your own understanding for he is basically the teacher and the viewer becomes the student. To the fact that his work isn't sophisticated nor easy to understand, he just shows a complex art scheme and expect the viewer to get it. Think of it as a video game where he tells you the rules and you are to learn them then play.
To him a baffled audience means a failed endeavor. If the people did not get the message at all nor if they understand what it is that he is showing, then I suppose in his eyes he did not teach the material well and must go back to re-teach what it is that the viewer did not understand.
Alix Lambert
It doesn't have to all be tragic or drastic. She goes off of the emotions of love, commitment, jealousy, trust, compassion, and others.
The artist designs activities that take place each day. It's her way o f making up for all she's missed in her life since she grew up in a quiet, sheltered, calm neighborhood where one wouldn't really experience such events as shooting, sex before marriage, drugs, and so on.
This factor right here makes me wonder how is it she felt when she actually got out of her neighborhood and into the real world. To think that one was able to grow up with no major issues of worry such as alcohol, being raped, death, and ect. It's funny how those that grow up in rough areas wish that they can live in easier, safer places. And that those who grow up in safe, quiet areas want to be around the danger/excitement of the world. So for her to step out of that comfort zone and see the world for what it is must have made quite an impact on how she wants to go back and experience all that she's seen aka missed out on.
Hubert Dupret
To be honest i'd be kind of afraid to be one of the firsts to branch out. Back in time i'd probably make a piece but never really display it due to some of the negative feedback that I'm sure many artists have recieved. However in today's time one mustn't be afraid to try something new. For now, just about anything is accepted. Sure there are going to be a few that dislike it, but at least you made your step in putting your piece out there for the world to see. I'ts like "hey! look what i made!!" lol
A lot of technology got a change in the art world as well.
Photography invention added a lot to still life images representing a moment in time. Computers are now made to where you can modify just about anything. Whether it's a still image, a sound, a video, even words on a document. All you have to do is know the skills behind the technique and there you go. Interesting how far the art history has changed throughout the decades of time itself.
Dupret was also trying to get into the resurrecting of art history to be more specific. He mentions how an artist is to seek inspiration whether it's through themes, images, forms that compromise annals of art, etc.
However, his one main goal in many of this pieces is to provide an emotion, a surprise, or even a wonder to the viewer. Surely we all try to get a message out there to the viewers as artists. We want them to be able to understand what it is that we are thinking, trying to say, or see the idea through our point of view. If we can get that message across w/o actually having to say it, then i say that's an accomplishment all on it's own. However it's always going to be the few that never get it.
An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth
I love this piece. It basically says “fuck it. I’m going to do what I damn well please to become a better artist.” Lol
I really enjoyed reading this text. It really does motivate you to go out there into the world and not be afraid to achieve something. It explains that even though something may not work out, keep going anyway. This is something I needed to hear because at times I feel like I’m just not cut out for this class or art as my field. But I know that I must stand strong and use my mistakes or failures to my advantage. I have to think where did I go wrong? How is it that I can make it better? Should I start over or work something out? These are the questions that I need to ask myself more often and take time to think over as I continue on with the next step in success.
The Art World Expands
The artwork expanding at such a rapid rate can be challenging for artists of today’s time and artists of the past. It’s hard for one who is used to the old way to adapt when the world tends to prefer a different route to things. Also as for the ones who are working in more modern technology, it’s hard to get them to try to get involved with the more traditional, basic, or old fashion ways of working in the art world.
As soon as something new is developed, its like “I have to have it now!” That’s how the media seems to display things on the television and the internet. They market the new device and as soon as you buy it, another comes out just as good and it’s as if you wasted your time getting the first one.
To me it’s best to be patient and slowly work your way up in the art world or whatever it is you are doing. Because if you try to keep up with everyone else, you’ll pass by all the little details that make everything much better than what people put out for it to be.
The Happiest Day of My Life
Wow, for one to be able to destroy every single item that one owns is like…insane as some would think. To me I’m wondering what it is that made him want to do this? Must it be every item? What about the things that are special or important to you?
But he does have a point in us being bound to the things that we possess. It’s interesting how he wishes to “free” himself from all of this belongings. And I am glad that he was able to achieve his goal. However I know that I wouldn’t be able to destroy every little thing. It took time and hard work to get all that I have today. Most of it thanks to friends and family. Can I really throw away all that I own so that I can be free from it? After knowing what it took to get it in the first place?
The Stories They Tell
One thing about this story is that it teaches you how to keep an open mind. I would have never really thought of things the way I do now if I hadn’t took the time to read and understand the text. It seems that we are to be aware of exactly what’s going on around us at this day and age. How are we to become better artists if we stay within close-minded spaces? Do not be afraid to branch out and dare to be different from the world. One must learn to take that risk in life and not look back on it as regret, but as a chance to try something new.
Site Specific Piece
Just a close then far perspective of the piece. I prefer it to be in a corner because spirits usually are silent but want to be heard from some of the past info i learned. If they ever do show themselves it's just basically letting you know that it's there and most likely isn't trying to scare you. Of course this doesn't go for all spirits.
It's by a window on a cloudy day which is exactly how i had wanted it to be. If it was too sunny then the piece would be easily seen and the room would be less darkened. If it was night time then i would have no light coming into the room at all then i would have to wait. So rainy days are the best for me.
Site Specific Piece
A better close up perspective at how i wrapped the pieces around each string after sliding the string through a hole in the center of each sheet of normal white paper. I then slide them up the string at a certain point and secure them in place with a small piece of tape. But i only had to do this for a few. The rest of them was able to stay on the string w/o tape.
Site Specific Piece
Site Specific Project Sources
It was suspended kinetics piece with her artwork displayed in the air in an open space. Preferably by a window with sunlight shining in.
As i thought about it I wanted to do something with Spirits. Looking up spirits online i noticed that many of them are small orbs of light. I had wanted to do a presence in the room in the corner. However realizing that it doesn't have to be one, what if i did a multitude of small orbs in the corner. Never would one see spirits clustered together on a normal basis.
One source that really tied it all together was this one.
It reminded me of small birds flying in a group in the air as soon as they take flight.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Time for Drastic Action 4/25/08
Or, I could go around on campus with note cards, asking people to write something on it and give it back to me. Either that or have my camera with me to allow them to take a picture as a memory of anything they please.
That seems like a better solution. ^_^
Getting a tad bit desperate 4/18/08
okay people 4/11/08
no thought much 4/2/08
Getting the Word out 3/28/08
Missed Class 3/23/08
Wow.... 3/21/08
Today was...sooo disturbing to me in many ways. Man have I never really been bothered like this before or in a looong time. I will never forget the blood head piece. It freaked me out a bit for some odd twisted reason. Its a freakin head! Of blood dammit!! And then there was this other piece with this death scene of a person's head colliding into the wall after the car crashed into it and their body was thrown through the windshield. It's like, i could feel the pain behind it all. Looking at the blood head i thought about being cut, and got a headache.
Another piece had this freaky looking thing. I don't know what it was but it's teeth was growing through it's skin and i don't know. That messed me up as well. Other pieces messed me up to. I was close to stepping out for a bit but decided to see it through.
Of course i will never get over the piece with the children that were all girls and all connected with different parts on their faces. Gotta ask, what possessed the artist to make a piece like that? o_O
Guest Speaker 1/16/08
Suppose it's something to do with her childhood. Many dangers that happened and she tends to get it all out through her artwork.
Site Specific 3/14/08
With the lightening rods it was cool that Rachel Emily was able to go out there and see the artwork in action. How the lighting was able to hit the rods and form different patterns in the sky. A bit dangerous as to how she wanted to get closer though. O_o
Either art or your life i say. But im sure i would wish to view it at a closer perspective as well. Just not too close. lol.
Trip to Will's art work 3/9/08
I also noticed how each room was a different color and had furniture to decorate the space in it's own way. No room had a specific theme. It was all a work of art itself.
Going down to NOVA to see his Mural was amazing. To work on that on your own and to take so long. I'm sure there were moments when he wished he could stop or just say "forget it". Then again perhaps not. But to keep that motivation for 2 years on one project is a lot. I must say, i give him props for that. ^_^
Project Presentation 1/2/08
Anyway, after class Drake explained that perhaps it was because i didn't have much meaning behind it. I thought i did. To the fact that i based it off of life.
To better terms everyone's pieces was great. Some i had confusion on. Especially David's piece confused me a bit. But i suppose that's how he wanted it to be. I liked the mirror idea that one of the students did. And Drake did great with the music piece. Especially since he thought of how he wished to present it.
Thinking back over what happened, i got some words of encouragement from a phone call during class. Thanks to that i was able to get my self-esteem back. I can't sit there and let words get to me. Not everyone is going to be pleased with what they see and that's just something i have to understand as a person and as an artist.
Guest Speaker 3/31/08
It seems that people really do care about their work and not just about money. It makes me wonder "is this what i'm really here for? Am i to do just art and nothing else?" Well i know that i want to do many things.
To the fact that I know that i must get a secure job in finding a way for money to come in so that i can actually make a living, i plan to continue to do art on the side outside of my career so that i won't let what i love go to waist.
I give Brandon nothing but courage in what it is he does. It's a hard life but im glad that he gets to enjoy it. Even though his pieces were out there a bit, they was still something that took time for him to build and create. And since he was able to make a finished product of satisfaction, then i say that's an accomplishment whether i understand it or not.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Change in Events
This other side with the large hole represents how you life can suddenly seem so...empty. You was fine the day before, and all of a sudden you feel lost, forgotten. You are a living shell that seems to have no soul whatsoever.
You try to mend the pieces together with laughter, friends, family, or whatever satisfies you, in order to try to keep the hole filled.
But it still doesn't matter in the end because at this point, no matter how many jagged pieces are still hanging, they will never fill in what you lost.
Tree of Life
This side of the piece has a tree that represents how you grow throughout your life. Each patch of cloth i added to put the tree together represents how you add on to your knowledge of thinking.
Each colored string i used, even though there's not much difference in color, represents one's personality that may change. Depends on if it changes by will of choice, or perhaps by force. Some may have to change their personalities in order to adapt to their surroundings.
The leaves at the top signifies that you have finally reached your growth and have finally reached adulthood. Yet, there's still much more to learn each day as you tend to change color within the seasons that past by.
The Piece Itself
This is the finished piece called "A Change in Time"
It represents how your life can be good and easy going to the point where you are just sitting back and enjoying all that you have. There is absolutely nothing to worry about because all is just fine.
However, within a day your life can take a drastic change faster than you can have the chance to stop it.
One source that helped me to start off in an idea was this picture in the art magazine.
unknown, "Sculptor in Public" (2007), location unknown, article [from Laura Tansini, Sculptor by the Way, p. 22].
I chose this source because it sparked an idea of how i wanted to stitch a flower to start off my project. It then caused me to be creative because i was able to cut out the red petals and stitch the green buttons into the center to bring the flowered look together.
Second Chance to do things Right 3/24/08
Getting together 3/21/08
I'm basically looking for a variety of things because memories are never just happy, or sad. It's full of all kinds of emotions and that's what I'm aiming for all to see. What i plan to do with them? I have yet to know for sure but I'm thinking of a collage of everything.
Ritazza 3/19/08
I had no idea whatsoever. Of course got different ideas from other people and their project.
And the fact that i wanted to do something that had to do with sewing/stitching.
Group 1: Drake, Allyson, Jen
Feedback: Get an idea, get inspired
May take a LOT of time- stitching/sewing
Group 2: Jin, David, Joe, Sheldon
Feedback: stitch people together through their clothes
could stitch patches together like a quilt
There was no group three because people kept coming and going as we all continued to talk in group two so there was constant ideas flowing everywhere. Enjoyed the discussion.
McColl Center 3/17/08
Hands on action, stepping onto platforms, i enjoyed the fact that it involved the viewer and that you was able to interact with the many exhibits on display.
Dark rooms that created mystery, sound effects from the wall, and as well as art displayed on panels in colorful fashion that represents different events in society.
It made me think about how creative one can be even with something so simple as water and mirrors. It's all about presentation; how you present your piece to the public.
It made me actually want to go home and write down ideas of different ways for me to try new things when it came to art.
Now...if only i had the money...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sending out Emails
I'm going to send an email out as well as get people from home and around school. Hopefully i can get enough to fill a wall. ^_^
More ideas on this project will be posted soon. But first, the emails! >.<
Explosion!! 3/12/08
never would i have thought in a million years of explosions ^_^
nice seeing what all the things you can do and use when it comes to art. Thanks to today's video, i can think even further out the box as we are required to do in this class. lol
However it's time for me to get an idea of what the heck im going to do for my next project >.<
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Back From Spring Break 2/10/08
To make something move due to just wind alone is sugoi. ^^
Now, the topic of movement today makes me think about how i may want to include movement in my pieces one day.
....Now i want go go and build something. lol XD
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Reality Sucks at Times
When he first passed, there were plenty of times i thought he was still there. Even though he didn't live with us, i wanted to just talk every now and then...like we always did.
I wanted to spend the night and do random things as we used to do.
So i carried that small container of hope with me in hopes that we can still do those things.
Moving on With memory over time
I continued on with my path taking my own steps in his absence. Of course my memories changed color over time because they are only of when he used to be here. Since he is gone they have become clear due to me becoming older and no longer that little child who would cling to him whenever he came home.
The blue stones represent the few tears i shed whenever he crosses my mind at moments.
Erase and Bury...
Memory filling
Only then, time seemed to have other plans. Because eventually, the person was erased, and their footprints left behind with my childhood memories still there.
Scott Grieger
Why have the wall in red with world map?
Why have a digital clock/timer?
The artist doesn't use wild creative imagination or dwell into dark sorrowful thoughts for his work
- resides in commonplace experiments and normal models of perception
Likes images that are ignored
- logos and illustration
Takes them, manipulates them, then sends them back into the world
-to unbrainwash people
- change their view of thinking when they see the logos in a new defined way
Why choose logos and illustrations?
*interesting how people become drawn to one meaning behind something. Yet, as soon as you display that object in a different form, the meaning immediately changes.
"I believe change actually comes from the thoughts of many individuals."
He enlarged a large map of the earht on a large cloth that was all casted in red
- red means "warning"
+ "emergency hot"
- true state of the world: threatened with inferno, eruption
+ unless we head the artist warning
*Clock or timer on the cloth could mean that we are loosing track of time or that time itself is running out until the fate of the world falls
* that is...unless we do something about it first
Julian LaVerdiene
- reminds me of the safe from Titanic
+ muddy, old looking rusted
Why does the safe have wheels?
- easy to move around? too heavy?
Just how many lights did the artist use for his piece?
- how much power was that? (watts)
- was it time consuming?
- hard to set up?
Artist sees the Legend of Faust as an inspiration
- infuses his art with the power to inspire original achievements in others
Imagination, motivation, and curiosity are his main concerns
- it's what shapes his art
+ not events from his past
Enjoys finding people in history who have not been honored/ celebrated
- Does he see them as hidden heroes or something?
Julian feels that people take pleasures/ get caught up in change
- that they don't try to remember the past
+ of which is the starting place of how we came to be in today's time
Artist is inspired by missing chapters in history
- loves the gaps, unofficial documents, forgotten/ rejected information
Why does he love this so much? Why forgotten history?
- loves the mystery behind it?
He feels things seem to be incomplete because of our time being accelerated
* We don't take the time to just calm down and look at how far we come or appreciate what we have. As soon as they come out with the next thing, we abandon the "old" object as we call it and toss it away like a broken mass. Especially when the media gets involved and displays it in a way where you HAVE to have it.
His challenge is to distract us from the perpetual renewal of available and glittering enticements
- so we can develop our own creative potential
He addresses the truths ignored in our official versions of history
- yet, his main concerns exceed sitting the historic records straight
"I see corruption and unhappiness, but today is better than yesterday. Tomorrow will be better than today."
*i love that quote because it speaks on a positive note. Even though the world as we know it is full of chaos, hatred, and torment, it's still good to be alive today than it was yesterday. We still have the power to change the world today so that we can have a better tomorrow. We should also thank the fact that we are still here and able to accomplish our dreams when someone didn't get to have that chance...
Few Inputs
The hardest part was taking the pictures and trying to make tracks in the mud. I had to basically work with one hand, and hold the camera in the other praying i wouldn't drop it in the mud. LOL.
Oh yea, i had to basically step in the boots to put enough pressure on them to get the tracks made.
It was a bit of a pain but fun reguardless. Especially when the boots are already a few sizes too big.
Oh yea! of course people were watching but once i got started, idk. I just got completely into it and it just seemed like nothing else mattered. As long as I'm doing my work i was fine completely. It was just me, the camera, and the boots working out there. ^_^
Arnold Morales
Why have only metal?
Do they move at all?
Why is it that the artist makes his works cause fear? light injury?
- the pieces of art he has tend to hit the viewers or even shock them
Had a life-death experience when an attacker placed a gun against his head and fired
- the artist survived
- it changed him and his art
Interesting how the artist takes note of what responses he gets from certain actions with his viewers
-hot water: tantalizing as well as distressing
- blinding bright light: releases aggression even among those who normally denounce such act
- zapped with bolt of raw electricity: attracts as well as repel
*It's like he makes his art pieces no tot display them, not to show you what he can do nor express himself, but to see one's reaction to a sudden action.
He always wanted to do similar things long before the gun incident. Had numerous near-death experiences mostly due to curiosity; to see how things worked.
He learned to fix things off of his mother giving him things to fix.
Why is it he always wants a reaction?
- when a child, his mother never was overly concerned for his safely when he did dangerous experiments
- nor was she too thrilled when he showed her his finished piece
So he strives to get that reaction from people any way he can
Enjoys new rules, different spaces one isn't used to
-likes the unexpected
Even though he enjoys being over others, like a bully having control over individuals, his viewers still have a good time.
- they don't feel completely like victims
- it excites them
Charles Ray artist
- Why not another part be real? Like the face?
A clock with legs? Why have legs hanging out the clock?
One thing about the artist is that he wants to draw attention instead of expressing an emotion.
Why draw attention? Why not show your nature through your artwork like everyone else?
- there's no need to be drastic
- it is simple, but definitely not boring
The artist tends to create offbeat situations
- make you feel awkward
"What drugs do is redesign the world a little. Not too much, just enough to make you realise how fascinating your surroundings could be if you really paid attention."
* to be honest i love this quote
* it's actually quite true
- simple objects become amazing
Doesn't really shove his artwork down your throat/ doesn't let you get the idea quickly
- wants you to think about it/ take your time to analyze it
+ basically to let your mind wander a bit
But what if one's mind were to wander in the wrong direction?
- what if they get the wrong perception?
- does he actually want them to guess right? or does he enjoy different outcomes?
His ideas of his works are done from his experience in childhood. During his memory lost every little thing fascinated him.
Why is it the artist did not mind not knowing who he was?
"We rely on the reliability of clocks"
* i always say that time is just a bunch of numbers that we wrap our lives around
* when you think about it, we have all the time in the world to do as we please
* we don't have to always follow a set schedule
Placing a part on a mannequin that isn't suppose to be there
- yet on the human body it's appropriate
+suppose to be there
- simple act changes the meaning
+ no longer is just a mere mannequin for dressing up in clothes
The artist basically brings his ideas to the table in different manners.
Eureka!!! 2/29/08
I love it to pieces ^_^
Man, like...1000 ideas are flowing through my head at the moment.
I'm going to fix it to where people give me a photo or something and write a small description about it. It doesn't have to be long. It could just be the title and such.
Ex: pic of an apple
meaning: Snow White
why?: fav disney movie/first disney movie
Basically sort of like that. I shall explain more in class next time ^_^
I'm also going to have some that are sealed so that if the person wants to keep it hidden then so be it and i'll just add it to my collection still sealed up. SUGOI!! ^ o^
Lab 2/27/08
no need to be pressured to do the vid since everyone loves the pics w/o sound. ^o^
However i wish to add more since what i presented was just the "basic" way of what i wanted to do. I want to add more shoes, perhaps music, and even...idk. This mind loves to wonder. LOL
Now, about the fab lab, yea. After seeing the refrigerator...i so totally wanted to like, grab something and take it apart. Then look at all the pieces inside and try to put it back together.
OOO!!! we should totally do something like that in a class. Get something, take it apart, and work on getting it back together. OR! what if we was given something and was challenged to put it back together....with no instructions whatsoever. XD
that would be fun but aggravating as crap.
Project Due 2/25/08
totally missed that day because i was retarted.
Basically i got my materials sunday NIGHT and was unable to do it today to the fact that it was bright ass sunny outside. I needed rain, mud, clouds, yea.
So...out of fear that i would get in trouble and to like...get my ideas together of what else i wanted to do, i chickened out and didn't go. >.<
Sorry Ms. Melena. ^^'
....... 2/22/08
It's...idk. I'm sorta not really feeling the whole..packages thing. I like the idea, yet. Idk... i want to do something different =^.^=
Coffee anyone? 2/20/08
man, LOVED the fact that we were able to talk in a much more comfortable setting.
Great ideas were talked about. Even got to try out a drink i never would have gotten. XP
It felt good to get in a different environment, yet, still be able to have class in our own way. ^_^
Class: Speaker Time 1/18/08
Pretty cool laid back person. It was nice to see the different things she used for apart of ONE art piece she worked on.
I like how she used the idea of art to travel since she was unable to travel herself due to expensive trips. Perhaps i could do that when i get the chance. ^_^
Ideas 2/15/08
On my Accumulation Project I have been doing well in collecting packages. But I can’t help to see that the “
Thoughts 2/13/08
I was thinking of having a star in my piece to represent how much I love them and my happiness that i tend to have most of the time. It would be blue and would have strings hanging down from it. Items would be tied into the strings that each have something to do with my traits and personality.
Class 2/11/08
Seeing such ideas today on how people do their artwork. Man, it really DOESN’T have any boundaries to it. I’m, rather glad in fact that I am taking this class because never would I have even began to think of something as simple as food, lard, or even just random items around the room as apart of an art project I would do.
Ketchup! 2/8/08
Okay, perhaps the idea of collecting ketchup packages is very helpful. I see them all the time and I have quite a bit at home. However, perhaps it doesn’t have to be just ketchup. It could be small packages of mustard, BBQ sauce, est.
MMCD Gallery 2/6/08
Just from walking through the place it seems you can do just about anything. Glass, wood, plastic, strings, it all depends on how you put it all together.
One piece that always sticks out in my head is a glass structure of a chair on a low, wide glass circle-shaped pedestal. It had stuff and perhaps writing engraved in it along with a bucket on its side next to the chair. I love it due to it being clear, yet, had all kinds of colors mixed in. The main color was a light shade of blue.
Class 2/4/08
Interesting how identity of an artist or anyone is constructed and not “fixed”. You can’t just go out there and declare yourself one way if you have other characteristics that go with that one trait. One must be true to their identity and realize what it is they are. Or else you will become lost and struggle a bit.
If one doesn’t know for sure who they are at the moment, perhaps over time if they seek it out, surely they will find out where their true image lies.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Class 1/30/08
Learning how important it is to show meaning in our work, it really represents who we are as artists. Also, we must be able to transfer that meaning to the viewers so that perhaps they can understand it or come up with ideas involving your work.
Thoughts/Ideas 2/1/08
Not quite sure of what I wish to collect. I had the idea of marbles last week but I still wish to find out something else. Perhaps pieces of jewelry I keep finding around campus. I always tend to find an earring or belly button ring that has been dropped.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Class: Material Invention Experiment 1/28/08
Today was fun to see all the very different ideas we had when we showed each other how we did our material project. I like how we all had different ways of putting it together. Some had it structured, others loosely set things in place based off of instinct, and some just had no idea why they did it. LOL
I'm just glad that it wasn't as bad as we thought it was to be. ^_^
Speaker 1/23/08
I learned a lot about ways to use fiber and what it is exactly. It was nice to hear how an artist life can go if they don't really have a solid idea of what they want to do.
It was interesting at first to see the different art pieces the speaker had done over time.
Thoughts 1/25/08
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Jason Tselentis 1/14/08
I would have been lost and doing it the hard way if he hadn’t showed us a lot simpler method.
Also is glad to learn that we must get involved with others and the way the world is nowadays in order to better learn how to use almost everything around us as apart of our work and not just focus in one particular area.
Thoughts on Accum. 1/18/08
All I can do for now is just try to get ideas as we continue class. ^_^
Class Field Trip: McColl Center 1/16/08
One studio i liked was full of wood pieces with some finished and others still being worked on. I like how I was able to see some of the steps being done for the artist to get to the finished product.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Combination 3
Combination 2
Combination 1
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Comments on First Reading Assgn.
To be honest, this was the hardest part of the reading for me to understand. I had to re-read it many times before I could come up with an idea of where the author was going.
It's interesting to learn how society is able to easily adapt to changes. I'm sure we all know this but we don't really think about how quickly we abandon something just to have the new item being put out on the market. Or, it doesn't have to be a new item. It could just be a new idea that everyone just follows through with.
However I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to move on to new attempts, I was just commenting on how fast we quickly forget where it all began sometimes.
Pages 16-17
I like how it talks about audiences reactions and the importance of how it is for an artist to grab one's attention. I can understand how hard that is because even though you try to grab their attention, you don't want to do it out of your style to where it doesn't represent you. So finding that balance between your style and society's can be pretty challenging. Especially when going up against hundreds of other pieces from around the world.
Pages 112-124
Reading these pages made me think about the things that inspire me to draw, write, or do whatever comes to mind. Being an artist I do draw, but whenever an emotion comes i mostly write it out. My main inspiration to draw is when I see the works of many others and how they first started out. It makes me remember that they had to begin as well and that I can make it just like they can. My goal is to make my art appear in the Rowe Arts Gallery by the end of the semester. ^_^
Pages 194-195
People in fact do try to make an "image" of themselves. With the technology we have, we can do almost anything we desire to our bodies so that we can fix it to "perfection" as some say.
I'm sure everyone has at least one thing they wish to change or don't like on themselves, no matter how confident. It doesn't have to necesarilly be physical, some wish they could change their personality, others wish to be in a different culture.
Reguardless of whichever, we can do some "editing" but a person should never completely remove who they are. At least preserve a piece so that others can still see the original you inside all that change.
Pages 282-283
When being asked what i wanted to be back in middle and high school i kept saying "an artist". Never did I realise how difficult my answer was. So many opportunities, directions, jobs, professions, I was completely lost. Perhaps I wasn't ment to be an artist. Or so I thought.
As time progressed I noticed how I loved to do all things in art. From singing and dancing, to drawing and painting. Even if its arts and crafts I'd do it. However, I loved computers and was good with them. So, why not combine them?
My decision was made when i found out about the field of Graphic Design. And so my path was set. Sure we all get a little lost along the way, but as long as you're willing, anyone can figure out their "mission" as an artist.
Page 354
Graphic Design has branches too of where to go. Whether it's web pages, animation, photo editing, my main concern is to learn them all and become better so that I may reach my goal: to be a graphic designer in a famous industry. I want to be sucessful in everything I do.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
First Day of Class
However, as soon as we went over the syllabus for the semester, I began to get nervous and was wondering if I was going to be able to keep up with everything.
Also, i was a bit afraid that i won't be able to accomplish many of the assignments just because the subject was so broad and had absolutely no boundaries. It was fun when you hear about it at first, but after being used to having boundaries, it's a bit of a challenge for me.
I'm sure some students considered dropping out and i gotta be honest, it crossed my mind too.
However, I refuse to drop out because challenges are like small risks u have to take in order to get better in life.
Plus, its a class i have to take in order to get my BFA. So why miss the chance to be a kid again and step out of the safe zone to get a little messy? ^_^