Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Will Schade

Will is known for odd additions in his art pieces. He spells like a third grader, has odd humor in adding irreverence often directed towrds biblical prophets and saints, and leads the viewers to acknowledge the mastery of draftmanship. He finds ways to humor by sinking to low points in his work.

This text was one that i couldn't really get into for some reason. It could be that I just don't have much interest in it. Not trying to say that he isn't an interesting artist, but it could be how the text talks about him. It's not holding out some certain hook that i can grasp and hold onto in order to get full understanding of his work.
Then again, it could be how I'm feeling at the moment which isn't very good.

I do know that i like his route of putting childlike qualities into adult-like work. For example he could have a complex drawing, but a child's handwriting talking about something simple. Or he could have a child-like drawing, but text that speaks through the mind of a 30 yr old.
I like the contrast that tends to have an affect of how you see people. When you think you have your view of them, something else completely throws you off of what you thought of them in the first place.

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