Saturday, March 1, 2008

Few Inputs

I'm glad it rained. The ground had a more "natural" feel to it since i didn't have to make the mud myself. And the atmosphere was a nice cool, cloudy setting as it always was whenever me and my dad would go out to go fishing, riding, walking, whatever it was when we was outside.

The hardest part was taking the pictures and trying to make tracks in the mud. I had to basically work with one hand, and hold the camera in the other praying i wouldn't drop it in the mud. LOL.
Oh yea, i had to basically step in the boots to put enough pressure on them to get the tracks made.
It was a bit of a pain but fun reguardless. Especially when the boots are already a few sizes too big.

Oh yea! of course people were watching but once i got started, idk. I just got completely into it and it just seemed like nothing else mattered. As long as I'm doing my work i was fine completely. It was just me, the camera, and the boots working out there. ^_^

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