Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lab 2/27/08

woo!! okay!!
no need to be pressured to do the vid since everyone loves the pics w/o sound. ^o^
However i wish to add more since what i presented was just the "basic" way of what i wanted to do. I want to add more shoes, perhaps music, and even...idk. This mind loves to wonder. LOL

Now, about the fab lab, yea. After seeing the refrigerator...i so totally wanted to like, grab something and take it apart. Then look at all the pieces inside and try to put it back together.
OOO!!! we should totally do something like that in a class. Get something, take it apart, and work on getting it back together. OR! what if we was given something and was challenged to put it back together....with no instructions whatsoever. XD
that would be fun but aggravating as crap.

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