Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Unofficial Manifesto

I must say that this is a pretty deep handout. It makes you think more about the quality of art and goes into detail about how public art is more than just a display of one's emotions and/or feelings of what they think out of life.
My two favorites are number 11 and 14.
No. 11 speaks that art isn't something you'll see and then shouldn't be concerned about due to the fact that it won't be there again. "Art is always worth worrying about." I believe that quote is true because it takes a lot of work and thought behind one's piece to display the message they are trying to get out into the audience. If the viewer sees your piece as nothing but an everyday thing, then it's like no one cares for what you put your heart and soul into. No one really gives a damn about what it is you are putting out there for them to see.

No. 14 is speaking of the quality of one's public art.
"Quality may mean many things in many different contexts, but it certainly means something in the end: you should be willing to fight for it."
I love that quote to the max because it's simply saying that regardless of what it is, if it means something to you then you should do what you can to stand up and fight for it; whether it's an item, a piece of land, a belief, a thought, anything. People may not see the value or quality of it but it doesn't matter on their part. The important thing is how much it matters to you. So regardless of what others will think, still fight for what it is you are after and succeed no matter what.

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