Monday, April 28, 2008

Alix Lambert

Alix bases her work on real-life experiences. To be more specific it's focused on life-transforming situations. Whether it is seeing someone in the hospital getting surgery, encountering death, seeing an accident take place, etc.
It doesn't have to all be tragic or drastic. She goes off of the emotions of love, commitment, jealousy, trust, compassion, and others.
The artist designs activities that take place each day. It's her way o f making up for all she's missed in her life since she grew up in a quiet, sheltered, calm neighborhood where one wouldn't really experience such events as shooting, sex before marriage, drugs, and so on.

This factor right here makes me wonder how is it she felt when she actually got out of her neighborhood and into the real world. To think that one was able to grow up with no major issues of worry such as alcohol, being raped, death, and ect. It's funny how those that grow up in rough areas wish that they can live in easier, safer places. And that those who grow up in safe, quiet areas want to be around the danger/excitement of the world. So for her to step out of that comfort zone and see the world for what it is must have made quite an impact on how she wants to go back and experience all that she's seen aka missed out on.

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