Sunday, April 27, 2008

Guest Speaker 3/31/08

It was interesting to see the guest speaker Brandon Boan to come into class today. A lot of his artwork was very...odd, to say the least. I don't know, how is it that an artist can make a living out of doing just that. I liked how we all had a huge discussion about it.
It seems that people really do care about their work and not just about money. It makes me wonder "is this what i'm really here for? Am i to do just art and nothing else?" Well i know that i want to do many things.
To the fact that I know that i must get a secure job in finding a way for money to come in so that i can actually make a living, i plan to continue to do art on the side outside of my career so that i won't let what i love go to waist.
I give Brandon nothing but courage in what it is he does. It's a hard life but im glad that he gets to enjoy it. Even though his pieces were out there a bit, they was still something that took time for him to build and create. And since he was able to make a finished product of satisfaction, then i say that's an accomplishment whether i understand it or not.

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