Monday, April 28, 2008

The Art World Expands

The artwork expanding at such a rapid rate can be challenging for artists of today’s time and artists of the past. It’s hard for one who is used to the old way to adapt when the world tends to prefer a different route to things. Also as for the ones who are working in more modern technology, it’s hard to get them to try to get involved with the more traditional, basic, or old fashion ways of working in the art world.

As soon as something new is developed, its like “I have to have it now!” That’s how the media seems to display things on the television and the internet. They market the new device and as soon as you buy it, another comes out just as good and it’s as if you wasted your time getting the first one.

To me it’s best to be patient and slowly work your way up in the art world or whatever it is you are doing. Because if you try to keep up with everyone else, you’ll pass by all the little details that make everything much better than what people put out for it to be.

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