Monday, April 28, 2008

Mathew Ritchie

Ritchie's work offers more information that the human mind can comprehend at times. He tends to ignore space and time and focus on the third part which is expansion. To me expansion tends to mean that he goes outside one's knowledge, their perspective of things. He wants to make you think about what it is that you are seeing and try to wrap your mind around the idea itself.

His art is mainly material for you to learn and take into your own understanding for he is basically the teacher and the viewer becomes the student. To the fact that his work isn't sophisticated nor easy to understand, he just shows a complex art scheme and expect the viewer to get it. Think of it as a video game where he tells you the rules and you are to learn them then play.

To him a baffled audience means a failed endeavor. If the people did not get the message at all nor if they understand what it is that he is showing, then I suppose in his eyes he did not teach the material well and must go back to re-teach what it is that the viewer did not understand.

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