Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trip to Will's art work 3/9/08

It was exciting to see someone within Charlotte and how they live their lives as an artist. It's like actually getting the chance to see how their lives fall into place with the real world and such. Their house was like rare one's you'd see in certain movies or reminds me of old people's houses when they have many antiques and such.
I also noticed how each room was a different color and had furniture to decorate the space in it's own way. No room had a specific theme. It was all a work of art itself.
Going down to NOVA to see his Mural was amazing. To work on that on your own and to take so long. I'm sure there were moments when he wished he could stop or just say "forget it". Then again perhaps not. But to keep that motivation for 2 years on one project is a lot. I must say, i give him props for that. ^_^

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