Sunday, April 27, 2008

Project Presentation 1/2/08

Gotta admit, today sucked for me in class. It seems no one got the idea of what it was i was trying to display. I assume it was due to the fact that they couldn't see it. Bit even when i went to a brighter picture, it's as if no one liked it. No one commented on it at all. It killed my self-esteem a lot. Had to basically walk out because i didn't feel like tearing up in front of everyone.
Anyway, after class Drake explained that perhaps it was because i didn't have much meaning behind it. I thought i did. To the fact that i based it off of life.
To better terms everyone's pieces was great. Some i had confusion on. Especially David's piece confused me a bit. But i suppose that's how he wanted it to be. I liked the mirror idea that one of the students did. And Drake did great with the music piece. Especially since he thought of how he wished to present it.
Thinking back over what happened, i got some words of encouragement from a phone call during class. Thanks to that i was able to get my self-esteem back. I can't sit there and let words get to me. Not everyone is going to be pleased with what they see and that's just something i have to understand as a person and as an artist.

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