Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Presenting Projects 3/28/08

WOO! Today was a great success for me. I was glad to see some of the projects displayed. The first thing i said when i saw Joseph's piece was "...he's naked." lol.
But it's all good. I didn't get to see his piece from the beginning but i did like how he build a fort in the woods using sticks and earthly elements around the area. To be honest the picture with him face down in the dirt is the strongest one in my opinion. If he had to choose out of all of them, i think that one picture is all that he needs.
As for my happiness, i was able to present my piece well today! yay! Finally some accomplishment! lol. It's good for me to see that people were able to talk about it and ask a few questions. I was glad that i had a specific view of how i wanted it presented and that i was able to relate it to the few sources i had so that they can understand where i got the idea from.
It seems Ms. Malena really liked it. Especially when we talked after class I was surprised to find that she was doing something so similar. Sugoi! ^o^

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